Sunday, December 11, 2011

Technology: The Good, and The Bad

The difference between online learning and classroom based learning at first seems clear and simple. With online learning, you do not have the luxury of having your instructor right in front of you to explain everything that you need to know. You also do not have the privilege of asking questions and getting answers back in real time. These can all be big challenges when it comes to online learning. Contrary to what you might be thinking, there are also a few benefits of taking an online course. If the instructor wants their students to listen to a lecture, then this can be done at the student’s leisure. This is particularly beneficial if the student is working or has family obligations that can make going to a traditional classroom setting. Online classes can also be beneficial to students that may suffer from anxiety, especially if this is exacerbated by being in a crowd. This can help the student partake in the learning experience while staying in a comfortable environment.
This semester I had a lot of success using the library database and ebrary systems. I found these both very beneficial when doing my research not only in this class, but in my other classes as well. One of my favorite technology tools that I used this semester has been my blog. I have never done any kind of blogging before (aside from Facebook). Overall my blog experience was fun, and it helped to break up the monotony of all the reading. For my future endeavors, I plan on using the library databases and ebrary in all my classes. I do not think that I will continue using a blog for personal reasons, but I will gladly use one if another instructor requires that I do for their class.

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here is a link to review the newest coolest technologies around.

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